Acknowledgments: Page 4

This study was requested by and prepared for Gloria Pierce, founder and leader of our neighborhood ladies Bible study, and Rob Strom, both dear friends, as well as those who are seeking knowledge in Dispensational Theology and The Mystery. 
Much appreciated is the encouragement I’ve received from Sharon Marosi, someone who challenged me to continue working on this study long after our neighborhood ladies had finished reading the incomplete original rough draft.
I would also like to thank my son-in-law, Jeremy Lucas, for helping to prepare the material for publication.

Most of the content in this study is a reflection of the study, meditation, teachings, writings, podcasts, and prayers of the pastors of Fellowship Bible Church, Orlando:

Fred Bekemeyer—Gracious, Teacher, Lover of Genesis and Romans, Holding fast that all believers in all dispensations are saved by faith and have eternal security, “God’s Victory Program of Grace” and that “we are living in a sin cursed world as of yet in our un-redeemed bodies.”
Hal Bekemeyer—Tenderhearted, Generous, Faithful, Meditator, Deep Thinker, Teacher, Writer, Holding fast that “Words Mean Things” and “Things That Are Different Are Not the Same.”

Joel Hayes—Affectionate, Prayer Warrior, Church Librarian, Reader, Thinker, Teacher, Orator, Host of The Grace Life Podcast, Writer, Author of “Empowered By His Grace”, Instructing believers in their “New Identity in Christ”, to “Align Their Walk with Their Heavenly Calling” and to look forward to the crazy “Holy Spirit Transportation System.”
I am eternally grateful for these three men above; for their dedication to studying, meditating, preparing, and sharing their wealth of knowledge.


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