Introduction: Page 5
In the Bible, a dispensation is a unique administration; a stage in the outworking of God’s plan throughout history during which man is tested in respect of obedience to a specific revelation of the will of God.
It concerns the accountability, responsibility, and faithfulness of man to that revealed will of God, and is incorporated into a literal interpretation of prophecy and mystery in the Bible.
When we study in a dispensational manner, we can more easily see which of the scriptures are written specifically to us.
These dispensations, labeled in the book of Ephesians, are TIME PAST, BUT NOW, and the AGES TOO COME, which is concluded with the FULLNESS OF TIMES.
Satan’s activity will not be addressed again in this study and it is not the intent to focus on him, but to concentrate on God’s purposes and His great love for mankind.
Satan has only limited authority and is under the sovereign will and power of God.
God the Holy Spirit is actively restraining him at this time.
Man, like Satan, makes choices as to his faithfulness to God.
Some people knowingly choose to follow Satan and identify with him.
Most likely Satan will not take a special interest in you.
Most of the difficulties we experience in life do not come from him or God.
They come from the poor choices we make in this present evil fallen world.
Time and chance happens to all men.
Satan cannot be in multiple places at one time or know your thoughts.
Satan should not cause fear in your life, but we should all flee from him and resist temptation.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers in high places.
Titles given to him in the Bible are: god of this world, prince of darkness, prince of the power of the air, ruler of this present evil world, the god of this present evil age, the father of lies, the great accuser, the son of perdition.
He is the evil one who rules the kingdom of darkness.
At one time he was the talented anointed covering cherub.
He seems to still hold that title but he chose to rebel against God’s authority and became a deceiver, gossiper, murderer and schemer.
He was evil from the beginning disguising himself as an angel of light.
In the ages to come, God will put him in the eternal lake of fire prepared for the Devil and his angels.
We that are in God’s family are assured that we are on the winning side, are confident that our all-knowing powerful God is already victorious over sin and death and Satan.
All the sons of God (angels) sang and shouted with joy when God created the earth.
Satan, filled with pride in his great angelic beauty, did not submit his will to the will of God but wanted to be like the Most High.
He usurped God’s authority in the Garden of Eden.
God called Satan the prince of this world.
One third of the angels chose not to follow God, but Satan.
They disrupted both the heavens and the earth.
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